Um espaço para partilha de ideias relacionadas com as práticas artísticas
e os seus efeitos terapêuticos, com destaque para a vertente musical

segunda-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2013

Music Therapy, What does it Look Like and How Does it Work?

While surfing the Internet I found this amazing explanation by a Music Therapist:

Written by Antoinette Morrison, BackMountainMusicTherapy

"Often, people who have not previously heard of Music Therapy hear that I am a Music Therapist and ask “So, what do you do? Play music to them?” (My clients). I think we are so accustomed to teaching methods that something other than that such as facilitating is hard to conceptualize.

Because music is structure over time, what one may see in my therapy room is not what some people may expect. It certainly does not look like a classroom scenario. In fact, upon walking by, glancing in, it may look unstructured or chaotic. A child may be hopping up and down or running back and forth screaming. So what is going on? How can this be therapeutic?

Any good therapist begins where a client is, and all behavior (once again) is communication. I may not know why my client jumps or screams but what I do know is that they are communicating something about themselves. I mirror musically anything they do. I do this to play back to them, giving them a musical portrait of themselves. It may not be by typical standards what you would consider “beautiful” music.

This a simple musical motif or phrase, something that the client is already doing or communicating that is not only being reflected back but being given structure through the rhythm. What is the point of that you may ask.


When a child can come in with what seems like chaos and have it fit into a structure (rhythm) just as the chaos exists (jumping, screaming, running) and it is okay as it is, we have the beginnings and basis for reciprocity. Life begins and development occurs with the give and take, the back and forth of relationship. What is it that these kids need most?

Music is the universal language. Music’s rhythm and repetition provides structural and predictable basis for reciprocity. Sound is vibration which does not make even hearing a necessary must in order for the brain to process music.. In other words music can be open enough to include the ornamental chaos and predictable enough to give it structural basis for back and forth relating."

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